Browse Collections (7 total)
Digital Humanities Tools
This collection contains resources for those interested in digital humanities and digital history, including digital history projects, toolkits,…
Suggested Readings and Resources
This collection serves as an annotated bibliography of suggested readings and resources, containing blog posts, articles, and links for free trials of…
Conservation Resources
This collection contains links for anyone looking to learn more about the conservation profession, how to become a conservator, as well as websites…
Internship & Job Boards
This collection contains links to job boards and websites that routinely post internships, fellowships, part time, and full time jobs in…
Institutional Biographies for Informational Interviews
This collection contains a series of short biographies contextualizing the organizations where the interviewees (from the informational interviews…
Graduate Programs in Massachusetts
Included in this collection are masters and PhD programs in the fields of history, art history, public history, museum studies, museum education,…
Informational Interviews with Museum Professionals
This collection contains a series of interviews conducted with several museum professionals and public historians across Massachusetts. Interviewees…