Welcome to Museums MA! 

This site is designed for high school students, undergraduates, graduate students, and early career professionals who are interested in working as public historians in small to medium-sized history museums, art museums, historical societies, and archives in Massachusetts. 

Small museums have: 

  • An annual budget less than $250,000

  • Up to 10,000 visitors annually 

  • Small staff with multiple responsibilities

  • Volunteers performing key functions 

Medium-sized museums have:

  • 10,000-50,000 visitors annually

  • Staff with multiple responsibilities

  • Volunteers performing key functions

On this site, users will find:

- A Collection of Informational Interviews conducted between Samantha Frost, a Northeastern University public history master's student, and several museum professionals throught Massachusetts (and Connecticut). Each interview contains Dublin Core metadata and tags with controlled vocabulary to highlight recurring topics in the interviews.

- An Institutional Biographies Collection where users can read about the organizations with which the interviewees are affiliated. Institutional biographies contain links to organizational websites and Dublin Core metadata.

- A Graduate Programs Collection containing links to graduate programs in Massachustts in the fields of history, art history, public history, museum studies, museum education, library science, architecture, archaeology, and historic preservation, each with Dublin Core metadata and tags to emphasize the highlights of the programs.

- An Internship and Job Board Collection containing links to job boards in Massachusetts, New England, and the United States more broadly. Each job board contains internships, fellowships, part time jobs, full time jobs, and temporary/ seasonal opportunities.

- A Conservation Resources Collection with links to resources for those interested in learning about the field of museum conservation (and restoration) and how to obtain experience.

- A Suggested Readings and Resources Collection with links to open access articles, blog posts, books, and resources regarding the museum and public history profession, as well as professional development resources.

- A Digital Humanities Tools Collection providing resources for learning more about digital humanities and their application within museum and public history settings.

- A Resume and Cover Letter Advice page providing advice from a museum professional on how to craft resumes and cover letters when applying to internships or jobs.

- A Museum Careers page with advice from a museum professional, describing various career paths in museums and their associated qualifications. 

- A Glossary for history, museum, and digital humanities terms.


Candlin, Fiona, and Andrea Ballatore. “How Big Is That Museum? - BBK Mapping Museums Research.” Mapping Museums Lab, November 14, 2018. http://blogs.bbk.ac.uk/mapping-museums/2018/11/06/museum-visitor-numbers/. 

Cheng, Lennon. “Photo by Lennon Cheng on Unsplash.” White concrete building photo – Free East melbourne vic 3002 Image on Unsplash, July 31, 2019. https://unsplash.com/photos/white-concrete-building-MjZTRdQOH5o.

“Small Museums.” AASLH, September 1, 2023. https://aaslh.org/communities/smallmuseums/#:~:text=A%20small%20museum’s%20characteristics%20are,to%20perform%20key%20staff%20functions.

Simon. “The Many Different Sizes of Museums.” Arna Bontemps Museum, October 2, 2022. https://www.arnabontempsmuseum.com/the-many-different-sizes-of-museums/.