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  • Tags: Web Archives

Digital History, written by Daniel J. Cohen and Roy Rosenzweig. provides an introduction to the web intended for historians, teachers, students, museum professionals, and anyone who wishes to create an online historical work. The book surveys the…

Doing Digital History is a digital project designed to educate scholars and the public about the field of digital history. The project contains interviews with scholars about digital history projects, presentations and essays, syllabi and student…

The Data Sitters Club, created by Lee Skallerup Bessette, Katherine Bowers, Maria Sachiko Cecire, Quinn Dombrowski, Anouk Lang, and Roopika Risam, is a guide to computational text analysis as well as how to apply digital humanities methods to digital…

The #DLFteach toolkits is an openly available and peer reviewed set of lesson plans for digital pedagogy. Lesson plans include goals, preparation, and session outlines, for a variety of topics including digital exhibits & archives, text analysis and…
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